1. See the Mona Lisa
2. Go skydiving
3. Run a marathon
4. Re-learn French
5. Learn to play the piano (more than just Mary had a little lamb, because I've got that covered)
6. Fly a plane
7. Kiss a stranger
8. Spend New Years in NYC
9. Take a trip by myself
10. Go to the top of the Empire State Building
11. Visit all 50 states
12. Go on a mission trip
13. Read the entire bible
14. Make a difference in someone's life
15. Donate blood (sounds like an easy one, but I hate needles!)
16. Go to the Super Bowl (the year the the Cowboys make it, I swear it will happen again)
17. See the 7 wonders of the world
18. Go to a baseball game at Fenway Park
19. See the Northern Lights
20. Fly in a helicopter
21. Dance in the rain
I plan to keep adding to this... what's on your list? Now's the time.